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Chino City Togariishi Museum of Jomon Archaeology

Museum/Experience program
Chino City Togariishi Museum of Jomon Archaeology developed out of the enthusiastic work of primary school teacher and local archaeologist, Mr Miyasaka Fusakazu (1877?1975), who began conducting archaeological excavation projects at Togariishi site (designated National Special Historic Site in 1942) dating to the Middle Jomon Period (c. 3,500?2,500 BC) since the 1930s. He was personally showing off pottery vessels from Togariishi site which he excavated at his house. The grassroots exhibition developed into “Togarisihi Museum” in 1951, “Togariishi Museum of Archaeology” in 1955, and eventually established the current Chino City Togariishi Museum of Jomon Archaeology in 2000. This museum owns more than 2,000 archaeological artifacts discovered in Jomon sites at the western foot of Yatsugatake Mountain. The highlights of the museum collection are two clay figurines (dogu) designated as National Treasures: the “Jomon Venus” of the Middle Jomon Period Tanabatake site and “Masked Goddess” from the Late Jomon Period (c. 2,500?1,700 BC) Nakappara site.
4734-132,Toyohira Chino City Nagano
Museum/Experience program
Opening Hours
9:00~17:00 (last admission at 16:30)
Regular Holidays
Mondays (except if Monday is a holiday); however, the museum may open on some Mondays for special reasons.
Year end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd)
The day following a public holiday (except if the day after a public holiday falls on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday)
Adults 350 yen
High school students 300yen
Elementary and junior high school students 200 yen
70 regular-sized vehicles
5 large-sized vehicles
1 disabled parking space
1 EV quick charger
Approx. 25 minutes by car from the Suwa IC on the Chuo Expressway
Approx. 35 minutes by car from the Suwa-minami IC